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前幾天有一個主人問我家中老狗食療的問題, 我建議她可以加一點薑在鮮食中食用。主人問薑會唔會有毒嫁? 其實佢唔係第一個問這個問題的人, 後來我在網上查看了一些資料,我發覺有不少中文網站上會把薑蔥蒜論為一談。
營養學上薑含有豐富的維生素A, B, C, E, 鐵,鎂,磷,鉀,鈉和鋅等。另外薑還含有具消炎作用的姜烯醇,鳶尾醇和薑油酮。
薑的好處其實非常多。在中醫學上, 生薑味辛性溫,歸肺、脾、胃經。有散寒祛濕,溫中止嘔,溫肺止咳。薑對腸胃問題功用顯著,有止嘔聖藥之稱。自然療法的醫師更加會使用薑來預防狗狗的胃脹和胃扭轉。另一個薑的作用係薑的消炎作用,對於關節炎,癌症和心絲蟲病上,薑都係不可或缺的食療食材。
Is ginger safe for cats and dogs?
One of the pet owners asked me for food therapy advice for her old dog. I suggested her to add some ginger into her dog’s fresh food diet. ‘ Is ginger safe for my dog? ‘ the owner asked. I realized lots of Chinese speaking owners mixed up ginger, garlic and spring onion after I searched ginger online.
Ginger is very safe for dogs and cats, the adverse effect is gastric irritation from the spicy property of ginger, and cats are more likely to suffer from this than dogs. Usually we cook with very small amount ginger, so it is very unlikely to cause problem from ginger.
Nutritionally, ginger is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. In addition, ginger also contains anti-inflammatory substances like gingerol, iris alcohol and zingerone.
From the traditional Chinese medicine aspect, ginger is warming and spicy, it is beneficial to lung, spleen and stomach meridians. It is good for digestive system and coughing from excess cold in body. Ginger is commonly used to treat vomiting, it can also prevent bloating and gastric dilatation and volvulus in dogs. The anti-inflammatory effect of ginger is also beneficial to arthritis, cancer and heart-worm, which makes ginger one of the best ingredient on food therapy.